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Product Code: B-213
Availability: In Stock
Product viewed: 10622

The original Design  was published in the October, 1952 issue of Air Trails, by OLD-TIMER. The article indicated the Perky  was intended to fulfill requests from  Air Adventures clubs, Air Scout groups, schools and recreations centers. Air Trails prepared “Perky”- the rubber powered trainer which will get the novice air model fan off to a good start! 


Our inspiration for this model came from  an article submitted by Bill Schmidt in the March/April, 2019 issue of  National Free Flight Digest.  Bill’s design followed the original with the exception of a smaller rudder option, to reduce spiral dive  tendencies.  It was this variant that BMJR used for the Perky Jr.   The original design had a 34” span.  The Perky Jr. was scaled to 21” span provided an area of 48 sq. In. for Flying Aces Club Embryo event.  

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