Noah's Quark was designed by Bernie Crowe in 2007 and published in the NFFS Digest in 2009, when it was selected as one of the "Top Ten" Models of the Year. With an impressive contest record including Rex Hinson winning F1Q at the Nat's in 2011. The BMJR Noah's Quark is intended to be an, easy to build and trim, entry level electric Free Flight for the FAI F1Q event or the AMA class A electric event, for the beginner. More experienced flyers may however modify the model for specific motor, battery, timer and speed control installation and access; for maximum performance. Model has a 51"span with 307 sq. in. area and a flying weight in the 300 gram range, and can accommodate brushless motors in the 100W range for beginners and up to 160W for contest performance.