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Perigee .56

Product Code: B-322
Availability: In Stock
Product viewed: 40618

The Perigee was designed by Tom Brett and flown to  become world champion in 1962. One feature of the Perigee was that it was a little smaller than most aerobatic ships of the time. This lead to Paul Bradly scaling the model to 56%, to have a similar span, wing area and therefore flight characteristics of his other ½ scale designs of the Astro-Hog, Orion and Taurus. Perigee has a 15% thick simi-symmetrical airfoil to increase the stalling speed range, with a sharp entry without a tendency to drop a wing tip. The tapered wings are intended to stabilize approaches in gusty weather, and the rudder hinge angle is sloped for more reliable spin entry. The BMJR Perigee .56 has a span of 36" with 200 sq. in. of area, giving us a wing loading of 10.4 oz/ft at a flying weight of 14.5 oz. Recommended powere is the HC-2808 bruhsless motor (M-110) with 18 amp speed control (C-M-110).  You will also need 3 micro servos (HS-55) and a 1 1/2" spinner (ours came form DuBro). 

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